There is the love which Consumes;
which alters every object
whether seen, heard, or felt
into its Beloved;
which transforms passions
such that each waking moment
is all "her."
There is the love which Settles;
which soothes anxious mind
and calms restless heart
and eases weary body
such that every shared moment
is all "peace."
There is the love which Exhausts;
which emboldens each tear
dropping heavy on swollen cheek;
which arouses each agony
severing already thin ties between;
which depletes the will's energy
threatening to consume itself whole
such that every new fight
is all "emptiness."
And there is the love which Remains;
which in its inevitable course
will consume, settle, and exhaust;
which allowed to live
will, hard fighting, pass through its own
hot summer, tranquil fall, and barren winter;
but as surely as daffodils arise all golden in March
will unfold in its own robust spring
such that every new day
is all "life" and that to the full.
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